Fastt-selling products to export from Nigeria to other countries

50 Fast-selling products to export from Nigeria to other countries:

Food Items:

  1. Palm Oil
  2. Vegetables (Fresh/Dry)
  3. Melon (Egusi)
  4. Ogbono Seeds
  5. Cashew Nut
  6. Ginger
  7. Garlic
  8. Zobo Leave
  9. Yam
  10. Plantain
  11. Pepper
  12. Cocoa
  13. Bitter Cola
  14. Cola Nut
  15. Garri
  16. Dried Fish
  17. Yam Flour
  18. Cassava Flour
  19. Plantain Flour
  20. Coco Yam
  21. Walnut
  22. Palm Fruit (Banga)
  23. Bread Fruit ( Ukwa)
  24. Aligator Pepper
  25. Local Seasoning
  26. Locust Beans
  27. Beans
  28. Local Rice
  29. Crayfish
  30. Ground Nut
  31. Edible Local Chalks (Nzu)
  32. Sesame
  33. Millet
  34. Soybeans
  35. Locust Beans
  36. Snails/Periwinkles
  37. Crabs/Shrimps

  1. Herbal Products (Medicine/Soap)
  2. Tiger Nuts
  3. Hibiscus  Flower
  4. Moringa Seed
  5. Donkey Skin
  6. Nigerian Made Shoes (Aba Made Shoes)
  7. Nigerian Made Fabrics (Adire, Akwete, Aso Oke, etc.)
  8. Shea Butter

Solid Minerals
  1. Bitumen
  2. Char Coal
  3. Lime Stone
  4. Iron Ore
  5. Lead Zinc
  6. Kaolin

Arts and Craft
  1. Locally Designed Beeds
  2. Home Video/Audio Cds
  3. Locally Published Books
  4. Broom
  5. Locally Made Weaves

The world is look to buy Nigerian-made goods and there is no better time to be in the export business than right now. So take position in the exportation business and profit.


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